
This document explains how to Configure the Built-in Android Mail App for Office 365

Configure the Built-in Android Mail App for Office 365
You can configure the configure the Built-in Android Mail App to access your Office 365 account by setting up an Exchange connection. 

An Exchange connection provides access your email, calendar, contacts, and tasks on Android Devices

Add an email account manually

To manually set up a new account, here are the settings you need to synchronise your 

Android device with the Office 365 email and calendar server.

  1. Tap the icon for the Samsung Email app to open it.
  2. Go to More > Settings

  3. Click Add account

  5. Enter Your Full Email address and password. Tap Sign In
  6. You will now be prompted to select the type of Setup. Tap Microsoft Exchange Active SyncOnce you have tapped Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync, a Processing screen will automatically configure Office365 email
  7. If you're prompted to enter server settings, please enter the following and Tap Done

Office 365 has now been configured!